Snickers - Hunger Insurance
When you’re hungry, you do silly things. So, we created an insurance company that covered your hunger blunders by feeding you snickers.
Covering you, for when you’re not you.
For years Snickers has been looking out for hangry people by telling them to eat a chocolate bar when they're hungry. So, to launch Snickers latest global campaign we decided to set up the world's first (and only) hunger insurance company. For real.
Backed by real underwriters, Snickers Hunger Insurance paid out real claims in chocolate via mobile coupons obtained through an online chat bot.
Each payout was calculated using a real-time algorithm that considered time, location and key words. The hungrier the time, location and bigger the blunder, the more we paid out.
Launching first in the UAE, Snickers Hunger Insurance offices are going global - with the campaign currently rolling out across the planet